Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Session 4: IWB and Phonic Resources


Today’s session was really useful. I had the opportunity to explore the ‘smartnote book’ software again which is used for the interactive whiteboard. I was able to look over the phases used for the teaching of phonics and reflect on the development of the phases. I was also shown some brilliant activities created by Lorraine to enhance the learning and teaching of phonics.
I learnt how to add sounds to images. My image was of a cat and when you click on it, it meows; it was great! It was enjoyable to discover more of the tools that the smart software has to offer. Little things like sound and animation can capture a child’s attention and make their learning more fun; which is of great benefit. Is there anything this software cannot do?
After much exploration I was able to create my own phonics related activity using some of the techniques I had previously become familiar with. For my first attempt I created a ‘hiding text’ activity using CVC words as its focus. I found this activity beneficial as it clearly allows children to see the initial sound of the word and then read the whole word.
Have a look:



You simply change the colour of the first letter to the same colour as the background.
I then chose to make a ‘rub and reveal’ activity using CVC words:

You then use the eraser icon to rub across the boxes to reveal the words.


I really enjoyed creating this activity as it was more appealing to the eye due to the imagery and I felt it created a sense of excitement.
There are also other activities that can be created that provide great lessons using the smart software such as the magic box, infinite clones and using shapes.
Below you will find links that can assist you in creating excellent lessons!

Infinite Clones:

The IWB is extremely effective and can enhance the learning of pupils and develop their skills. The capability of this resource allows you to develop productive lessons that will engage children in activities that become active based learning with a high input of hands on interaction. Not only is it beneficial for children but it makes planning lessons more fun too.
After much excitement creating these activities I visited phonics websites that support lesson planning. I found these really useful; here are some that I found particularly beneficial which I will refer to when necessary.

Take a look:


  1. I love your rub and reveal activity! Reception children will really love the sense of excitement and suspense! :-)

  2. Well thank you very much Deenah, might try and use it or something similar during my placement!
